Valuation Reviews for Appeal

Powerhouse Property Professionals

Valuation audits and reviews are a helpful tool to critique whether or not a Valuer, in the opinion of a fellow expert, has used reasonable care and skill in preparing an obtained assessment of value, and subsequent valuation report.

To either audit or appeal an assessment of value or valuation report issued by a Valuer, it is important to understand their obligations, both under industry body regulations and legislative guidelines for the type and purpose of the valuation being undertaken.  It is also imperative to have intimate, local market, and town planning knowledge, to understand the highest and best use potential of any site.

Seeking professional advice in valuation appeal instances, unlocks expert local knowledge of both current market conditions, and the aforementioned Valuer obligations, giving your valuation query submission the extra credibility and weighting it deserves in the dispute resolution process.

Lodging a professionally complied, thorough valuation query to a financial institution, for instance, will not only increase the chances of having the query passed on to be reviewed by the Valuer or their Management Compliance Team, it will also hold the Valuer directly accountable for their valuation based on the review of a fellow local valuation expert.  This investment could potentially save you the stress, time and cost outlay of switching financial institutions, or not proceeding with your new home purchase or refinancing plans.

As industry-leading Valuers with extensive local knowledge, having each Valuer employed in the real estate industry in the area for over fifteen years, Powerhouse Property Professionals will ensure you receive an unbiased and accurate review of your valuation assessment, so please phone us on 1300 097 912 or fill out our quotation request form via the link below.